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The Nuts and Bolts of Money Management for Construction Companies

对于建筑企业来说,财务管理是出了名的复杂. 承包商必须应对各自市场的起起落落, project-based pricing and collections, 不断上升的运营成本和其他各种因素,其中最重要的是恶劣的天气!

然而,有效的财务管理对一家公司的发展至关重要. Here are some ways an owner can better manage their money.

The nuts and bolts of managing money for construction companies.

Follow Strong Billing Procedures

健康的现金流——财务管理最重要的方面之一——取决于企业履行合同义务和及时收到付款的能力. To this end, 为每一项工作建立一个标准的计费时间表将使管理账户变得不那么复杂,并有助于跟踪每月的收入.

When drafting contracts, 清楚地包括付款金额和到期时间,并记录对逾期付款的处罚. 同样重要的是,需要清楚地概述变更订单批准和发票的流程,以便尽快为额外的工作开票. 随着项目或项目阶段的完成,认真遵循账单时间表.

To help ensure prompt payment, business owners should also make sure invoices are well-designed, detailed and include any necessary proof-of-work documentation. In this day and age, 对于企业来说,提供电子支付选项也很重要,这样可以使支付更快捷、更容易. 最后,一定要设置自动提醒,定期跟踪未付的发票.

Excel at Materials Management

有效的财务管理在很大程度上还取决于企业主采购的成本效益, store and use construction materials. 实施策略,优化所有这三个行动,同时尽量减少浪费.

Begin by taking a hard look at how materials-related data is captured, organized and shared across projects. Does the business have a centralized system for doing so? 业主是否建立了跟踪损失和主动解决如何防止盗窃的流程, mistakes and mismanagement? With the right system in place and technology supporting it, owners can minimize excessive and unnecessary spending on materials.

From there, be sure to address the timely delivery of materials. 供应链放缓或中断不再是新闻, but they’re still a challenge for many contractors.

一些建筑公司保留关键和长期项目的库存,以确保在工作出现时他们有必要的材料. 但这样做需要为存储设施付费,并在库存管理上投入时间和资源. 另一个策略是使企业的供应商基础多样化,包括可以提供类似类型和质量材料的替代本地供应商.

Keep a Close Eye on Labor

Nearly all businesses need to confront the tricky issue of “rightsizing” their workforces and paying employees competitively. 在熟练劳动力似乎永远短缺的情况下,建筑公司面临着额外的挑战.

有一件事能帮上忙,那就是尽可能精确地量化企业的劳动力需求. 确定需要多少工人来完成每个典型的工作任务,或者需要多少工人来处理业务通常执行的项目类型的每个阶段. Obviously, 业主将需要历史数据来做出此类决定,并建立一个系统来持续捕获这些信息.

Compensation, benefits and taxes are also major factors. Indeed, 了解企业的真实劳动力成本——通常称为劳动力负担率——是建筑企业的一项关键任务财务管理活动.

Embrace Technology

使用最新和安全的财务管理软件和为建筑行业量身定制的移动设备可以帮助简化与估算相关的财务活动, job costing, payroll and invoicing. The right combination of tech assets can help:

  • Automate calculations and processes,
  • Create more accurate estimates,
  • 跟踪各种成本,并准确地将其分配到项目中
  • 为你的记录和财务报告生成必要的文件.

As always, however, 为建筑企业的独特需求和舒适度选择合适的技术工具是困难的部分. 企业应该谨慎地选择购买和升级——始终以提高财务清晰度和所有者对财务的控制为目标.

Lay the Foundation

Managing cash flow, materials, 对于一个努力工作的建筑公司来说,劳动力和技术成本似乎就像在不稳定的土壤上打下坚实的基础一样困难. 但只要有合适的人员、政策、程序和计算工具,这是可以做到的. 老葡京手机app很乐意帮助审核贵公司的财务管理方法和需要改进的目标领域.

Contact Thomas Burton with any questions via our online contact form.

Councilor, Buchanan & Mitchell (老葡京手机app) is a professional services firm delivering tax, 会计和商业咨询专业知识遍及整个大西洋中部地区 Bethesda, MD.

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